Huawei Cpe B593 Firmware

The time to receive an unlock code starts from 1 to 48 hours. Pcreviversetup exe.

Download Firmware Huawei B593u-12 Update V100R001C00SP073 Universal (25.96 Mo) -

  • This page gives you step-by-step instructions on how to update your Huawei B315s modem's firmware. Important things to know. It will take about 15 mins to update your software. While you’re doing this your broadband service will be impacted. If you have a phone connected to your modem, it will also be affected.
  • Directory of software & firmware for Huawei products of Enterprise Networking, IT, Unified Communications and Collaboration, Network Management System, Enterprise Wireless, Network Energy and Networking Solutions.
  • Select System Upgrade select tar. press Upgrade, then wait for few minutes, the system will auto upgrade the firmware of the HUAWEI B593u-12. These steps are also usable for HUAWEI B593s-22 and HUAWEI B593 other models.

The calculated average waiting time is 22 hours 39 minutes. (based on the last 50 orders) Evil nine devil stuff.


Huawei Cpe B593 Unlock Firmware

Huawei lte cpe b593 firmware
UNLOCK Huawei B593

What our customers say about unlocking

  • It is simply AMAZING First code didn't work, used the second one and there it 'UNLOCKED' the locked B563s-22, now I can swap Different service providers Sim cards. Thanks.

    Roberto - 2020-11-21 15:23:02

  • Fast service as promised, worked perfectly I wanted to unlock a Huawei B593 router which Telia has stopped to support and could not unlock.

    Lena - 2020-08-07 21:16:46

  • It worked - thanks

    Michael - 2020-08-05 15:35:02

  • Perfect. the third Code is OK. Thank You

    E.P - 2020-07-14 18:50:27

  • Perfetct

    Fabio - 2020-07-14 08:29:09

Huawei cpe b593 unlock firmwareCpe

Unlocking instruction for Huawei B593 ?

Huawei Cpe B593

To enter unlock code into Huawei B593:
1. Input a non-accepted Sim
2. enter the unlock code
Your Huawei B593 is unlocked now !!!